August 2014

KVK & ALI.O…..
Horse girls, small town girls, artists with the same creative vision.

I was lucky enough to meet Kerri years ago while we were both working in economic development. Though we were different ages and at different stages in our lives, we immediately clicked! We are small town girls with a love for the prairie and everything it entails and we are both artistic with a chosen medium of jewelry. We became fast friends and have enjoyed attending many gem shows together. Always meeting up at the end of the day playing show and tell with our finds, doing some trading, and creative thinking. Our friendship stretches past the jewelry industry as we have held one another’s hands during the ups and downs of this crazy thing called life.

At one point, we considered starting a line together. The name of the partnership naturally is The Prairie Princesses! Since then, she is PPS, standing for Prairie Princess Senior. This beauty is far from a senior but rather more experienced in life. I am Prairie Princess Junior (PPJ).  PPS has a knack for picking herself up by her bootstraps and is always a visionary and cutting edge in the industry. Now, her daughter is living in NYC and in the jewelry industry as well! You can learn more about Kerri here: and be sure to like her facebook page here: 

This month-we are giving you an amazing deal. Go directly to Kerri’s site and enter Ali-O20%Off and get 20% any fabulous find on her website!!!!!! Will you go for the mammoth bone, diamonds, buffalo horn, or edgy stones from the European collection of gems that she represents? Its up to you, but hurry, this first time ever deal from KVK ends on August 31st!!!!

Discount Code: Ali-O20%Off

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