June 2014

My husband I recently spent time in the western town of Buffalo, Wyoming. We love the area and can't believe what a town of 4,700 has to offer. Its an old historical town but also forward thinking…..without losing the identity of its past. We enjoyed listening to a jam session in an old bar that still has bullet holes from gunfights over a 100 years ago. We were so excited to randomly run into some old rodeo friends who we haven't seen for many years. And I enjoyed the shopping (of course) at places that included a european gypsy's private collection, a potter, a saddle/handbag maker, and knitwear designer who uses local wools (watch for the later two in the upcoming months). Not to mention, Wyoming has some really good breweries, one of my favorite being right in Buffalo.

During a couple of my stops, I ran into a woman from Sheridan and then a store owner introduced us. I fell in love with (and bought) a crocodile bracelet. It was fun to learn her story….an art history major who owned a gallery and taught art then found her calling was making jewelry. She lives in Sheridan with her husband and three busy kids so making funky retro jewelry is her refuge! Each piece is one of a kind and she sells at shows and through Facebook.

The time of the year is upon us where we enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals, rodeos, and parties and these pieces would be a great companion to your wrist for any event!!!! There is just one of each so get yours now and show off your Retro Funk jewelry at your next summer BBQ!
 Long suede wrap bracelet with hammered and patina bronze circle and turquoise heart. This is a long wrap that can also be worn as a lariat!

 Bracelet using a vintage belt with bright, hand dyed, turquoise stingray wrap 

Burnt sienna stingray bracelet with suede lining

Burnt sienna stingray and vintage leather bracelet

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