April 2014

This month, my Dad would have been 77 years old….still acting like he was 25, I have no doubt. But, for the 9th year in a row now, I have not been able to celebrate with him. My Dad is celebrating his birthday in Heaven. 

Cancer took the best Dad ever. 
Cancer made sure that he never met my children. 
Cancer left a hole in our hearts. 

You know what cancer? Suck it. My Dad is still with me. Every. Day. And while I hate you (a word that my Dad told me never to use), you bring out the best in people.

One of the many, many, many people who have dealt with you and felt your wrath is a beautiful woman from my hometown, Jennifer Windrum. Her Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer (she never smoked). For six years, Jennifer fought along side with her Mom, blogging every sad, heart wrenching, gut turning moment. All in the name of bringing more awareness to the beast and reducing the stigma. Jennifer's Mom went to Heaven…..and Jennifer went to work! The result: SMAC! Sock Monkeys Against Cancer. 

SMAC! Monkeys are true "creature comforts" for those with cancer….reminding them that no one fights it alone. SMAC! monkeys NoMo (the ALL cancer fighting monkey) and Phoenix (the lung cancer fighting monkey) kept her Mom company during chemo, radiation, illness, and long nights. Jennifer developed a social enterprise-a company with social change at its core and sells the SMAC! monkeys online, as well as through partnerships with hospitals and cancer-related organizations and foundations. Read her story here: http://www.smacancer.com/what-is-smac/

This month. Ali.O's Assets presents SMAC! Sock Monkeys Against Cancer. This month, no limited amount. This month, all proceeds go to SMAC!……ready, set, buy!!!! Lets all yell loud and clear together…..HEY CANCER, SUCK IT-WE HATE YOU!!!!!!!

Go to www.smacancer.com to purchase NoMo or Phoenix today! You can: purchase to show your support, purchase and give NoMo or Phoenix to a loved one fighting cancer, or, if you are lucky enough to not know anyone fighting cancer at the moment, you can let us donate a monkey to someone fighting cancer right now! Enter Ali.O at checkout so we know you helped me join the fight! 

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